Saturday, March 25, 2017

Week 18 - February 6 2017: 2 Baptisms!

I’m doing great I’m ready for a change though. I think I could do one more transfer here but not more. Doloriert is great but I think I’m ready for a new companion. We had 2 baptisms this week it was cool - did my first one. 

This week honestly I think I just learned about the Atonement and repentance. And honestly it’s kind of hard to keep my thoughts where they should be and stuff just because these girls wear nothing. Yeah - just gotta look down lol.  I think that something I’m trying to get better at and just gotta be worthy because I need the Spirit to teach and that’s why I’m out here so that was something I learned - just repent and keep trying to change. 

I’m doing great sounds like everything is great over there. My Spanish definitely is growing. I can understand for the most part. I’m over the hard part I think. Me and Jackson did splits so that was awesome. We taught and understand for the most part. I don’t know if I’m confident in the Spanish but I can get around. Only 20 more months left! lol jkjk. 

It’s really cool how the Spirit can just work through you. The thing for me lately is that I can just see the true love these people have and the strong faith they have. Tithing has been a problem here lately and it’s crazy to me that people don’t need to give everything or a certain amount. It’s really just a test of faith. I think that’s something I’ve learned about - faith is just trust that it’s going to be OK when you’re doing the things you should be you will be provided for. It’s crazy that the Spirit can touch every person if we are worthy of it and trying to become better. 

I’m doing great my heath is fine. I just have back pain a little from the sciatic and they don’t have chairs here really so when we teach lessons there’s no support, but it’s not super bad. I love you so much I’m doing good. Can you send packets of like cayenne pepper there is nothing spicy here. Those spicy Pringles you set the first time were so good. I love you tons!

Week 17 - January 30, 2017: The Peace this Gospel Brings

Elder Doliert, Ivan Morales, Elder Moore, Sister, Elder Jackson

This week was great we baptized Ivan Morales. It was really cool to see the change in him. It took us a while to get him but he just had a change of heart one day and he’s different. I think he just really asked to figure it out and you have to have that real intent to get an answer. We might have a baptism for next week, we might have 3, but it just depends. We need to work this week. One kid just needs his permission slip and we are dunking that boii! He’s the one I’m holding he’s super awesome. I’m really hoping he gets his stuff. The others are 2 twins, 9 years old. So yeah, I’m doing great. 

This week was awesome its crazy how fast this transfer is going by. Transfers are next Monday night so that will be weird. We have no clue what’s going to happen until they come. I’m still in 12 weeks which is just something every missionary does. 

We did splits this week so I was with Elder Jemin and it was so much fun. We just had a great time joking around and working. It’s cool to see that everyone is the same - like we all have family problems and we all have issues but when we do the things we need to do we will be ok. In a lesson this week I just told the investigator my testimony about the Gospel and how really for me I know I’m gonna be ok.

I think the thing I’m learning too is just that if you do what we’re supposed to we’re gonna be ok. That’s the peace that this Gospel brings. I think just that it’s not gonna be easy but the Lord will give you everything you need - not what you want, but need - and
that’s something I’m learning. I just don’t want to be that missionary that comes home and goes inactive I’m trying for that real conversion and I’ve felt the Spirit out here I can’t deny that but just gotta keep going. Four months next Saturday!

I’m doing great my Spanish is growing a tons at this point it’s just words really - expanding my vocab. Me and Jackson are getting super close. He committed to BYUI so I’m gonna have a black guy with me – it’s lit. I miss snow so much. It’s rainy a lot here. I want to watch sports so bad lol. I heard it’s like record snow everywhere the one year I leave! 

I love you and miss you tons. I’m doing great don’t worry at all.

Week 16 - January 23, 2017: Get it through Prayer

Elder Moore and Elder Jackson

It’s been pretty rainy and I think it’s going to be until like April or something but that’s better makes it cooler. I feel like I’m doing great honestly. 

Fast offerings and tithing are a big thing here some people just don’t pay its weird but it’s a problem like we usually have one or more talks about it. This week was up and down so we did companion splits and I had Elder Marriott Tuesday and led him around and we taught and stuff. It was really cool - got an immediate blessing from acting on a prompting so it was cool to see that in action. When we went back to get Elder Doloriert and I had a good talk with him. That night though me and Doloriert were fighting about something stupid he just came back and was trying to control everything and I don’t even know, so that was a rough night. I just went to bed and in the morning he took the key to our room so I couldn’t get in and let me tell you, I had the hot snakes, and I really needed to go. That really pissed me off but in companion study we worked it out and were fine. I think the thing that was cool for me in that moment was it was really tough those two days and my first instinct was just to ask for help and when you really have a desire to get help and need it you can get it through prayer so that was something really cool spiritually this week for me. 

We have a baptism for this Saturday for Ivan so that’s gonna be fun and we could get two in the next week just gotta see. I’m doing great it is just all getting normal to me which is crazy. 

The Spanish is coming I understand more and more. I chewed out an investigator about stuff, with love of course. I couldn’t have done that 2 months ago so it’s coming just takes time. I’m done with the hardest part.  

 I forgot to tell you a couple weeks I had an I problem so I went to the doctor and stuff that was scary but m good now just needed some eye drops. I’m doing great I love you so much.